I have now been battling with a USB irTrans, which seems to do what it says on the tin, and a combination of iRed2 on the Mac Mini and iRetouch on an iPodTouch, which seem to bug ridden and unreliable. After four months of this with no software updates and I a very unhappy customer.
Just a few of the problems, some already reported here, but none of them fixed:
iRedTouch - repeatedly touching a repeating key in the gui crashes iRetouch - completely reproducible and reported.
iRedTouch - sends unrequested codes when the IOS device is put to sleep - reported unfixed
iRedTouch, iRed2 ? - Buttons on the gui frequently send duplicate codes - reported in 2008 unfixed
iRed2 - some key commands work unreliably
There are more. Is there any intention of fixing any of these problems?
Bill Northcott