macbook / macmini will not wake-up

Support forum for the iRed Mac software

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macbook / macmini will not wake-up

Postby tonytee » Wed 20. Aug 2008, 08:36


Thanks for this excellent wake-up feature, however I cannot get it to work

I followed the instructions and jumpered the USB V3.8 IRtrans to use USB standby power
firmware is: #0: IRTrans USB U5.11.12 (wake)

I used i-Red to "Set as Wake-up Code" one of the remote control buttons.

When I put my mac to sleep and I press the remote button the IRtrans flickers red very fast for a second or so, but it does not wake up the mac. I have tried this with a macbook pro and with a macmini dualcore...

When I click an USB connected mouse with these computers, they wake up from sleep
When I unplug/plug the IRtrans from the sleeping mac they wake up too.

Hopefully you know a solution...

Thanks, Tony
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed 20. Aug 2008, 08:21

Re: macbook / macmini will not wake-up

Postby IRTrans » Wed 20. Aug 2008, 11:04

we will check that.

Posts: 2115
Joined: Mon 21. Apr 2008, 23:32

Re: macbook / macmini will not wake-up

Postby IRTrans » Wed 20. Aug 2008, 12:56

Hi Tony,
we where able to reproduce that. It can easily be fixed with a firmwareupdate.
For the update a Windows PC is needed.

Please contact us via Email ( to get the Firmware.

Please note that only the (brandnew) USB 3.8 versions are affected.

Posts: 2115
Joined: Mon 21. Apr 2008, 23:32

Re: macbook / macmini will not wake-up

Postby tonytee » Wed 20. Aug 2008, 17:16


Thank you for the extremely fast service...

I have flashed the irtrans with the new firmware you sent me and the wake-up function works now...

Cheers, Tony
Posts: 2
Joined: Wed 20. Aug 2008, 08:21

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