In our environment we do have one lancontroller with 16 ports up and running. Via several desktops we sent commands do different ports on de lan controller. We're using vb.Net with the .net dll of irtrans.
Problem now using the .net dll
Only the first pc which creates a new IrTransServer object linked to the ipaddress of the lancontroller can sent keys to the lancontroller. The second, third... cannot create any connection with the server anymore.
Am I doing something wrong?
The irserver is created whenever no irtransserver is actually running. This goes fine (only for the first desktop which creates the connection)
Code snippet attached
#property IrServer
If _irServer Is Nothing Then
_irServer = New IRTransServer(strIPofIRTRANS)
End If
Return _irServer
IrServer.IRSend("xxx_remote", RCUKeyName, PortNumber, 0)