Firmware version: E6.05.40
Developplatform: NETMF 4.2 C#
Microcontroller: ARM
ARM Device ipnumber :
NOT using IRtransserver
LAN IRDB Device IR Codes are uploaded to my device.
I use 2 IRDB ethernet devices in my network: /
Subject: Error when sending remote command with own TCP socket.
- Code: Select all
Socket m_socListener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);// tried also Dgram/UDP
byte[] startmsg = new byte[256];
startmsg = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("ASCI");
m_socListener.Send(startmsg, 0, startmsg.Length, SocketFlags.None);< can recieve remotecontrol code here
string command = "Asnd ebmultimedia,macro-sat"; <<<<<<<<< wrong
msg1 = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(command);
m_socListener.Send(msg1, 0, startmsg.Length, SocketFlags.None);< Error here
tested with: snd (Asnd) ebmultimedia,macro-sat.... li,p21000.... \n\r \n tried everything (NO spaces)
got **00067 RESULT This operation is only supported using the irserver (snd)
got **00034 RESULT ASCII Format Error (Asnd)
What works:
I can recieve the remotecommands : got **00043 RCV_COM ebmultimedia,macro-sat,0,0
I can use Aver, gives: **00034 VERSION E6.05.40 L1.09.02
Agetremotes ebmultimedia > **00034 RESULT ASCII Format Error
I don't know what to do more, can (remote, command)name's be too long ?