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Can't set switches from irclient

PostPosted: Sat 9. Jun 2012, 19:06
by joek
I have a Zalman HD160 and I'm running linux (Lubuntu 12.04) x64 with v6.08.37 of the irtrans software.

I used the GUI client from my windows machine to update the status switches, and now the irserver seems to no longer work. It appears to have cleared the "Self repeat" flag and I think that's the culprit. But I'm unable to reset that switch. The GUIClient doesn't have the option to toggle that switch, and when I use the irclient from linux, set the switch, and then issue a "Save and Exit (99)", the irserver just dies.

Is there anyway to reset this? Can I use switches.cfg? I can't find any documentation on that file. Is there a way to reset the device to factory defaults entirely?

This is the output from irserver when I try to save the new settings from irclient on the same machine:

Code: Select all
Set Device Status for Bus ID 0 / ADR 0
  Mode:               d7
  Extended Mode:      20
  Extended Mode2:     4

Then it just dies to the command prompt.

Re: Can't set switches from irclient

PostPosted: Sun 10. Jun 2012, 11:19
by IRTrans
please do not use the irclient to configure settings for the device.

Only use irremote.exe. The GUIClient.exe is not supported for those OEM devices.

The Self repeat flag is NOT needed for that device.


Re: Can't set switches from irclient

PostPosted: Sun 10. Jun 2012, 21:41
by joek
Thanks for the quick response! I'll try that.

I was actually able to get it to work by adding the -xap and -medialon flags. I'm not sure which it was that made it work as I haven't tested further.

Re: Can't set switches from irclient

PostPosted: Sun 10. Jun 2012, 21:50
by IRTrans
Both flags do not have any influence on the basic functionallity.


Re: Can't set switches from irclient

PostPosted: Mon 11. Jun 2012, 10:53
by joek
Very strange. Now if I remove those switches it works fine. I really have no idea why this suddenly started working at the same time that I added those. I must have done something else and not realized. I'm completely baffled.

In any event -- thanks so much for the quick responses!