I have an irtrans receiver inside an x15e case and for the life of me I have been unable to get it running under Mythbuntu 10.10.
I have completed the following to date but no matter what I try I cannot get irserver to run.
Executed install.sh for irtrans drivers
IRTrans Software was installed in /usr/local/irtrans
If I check this directory then the files are all there. I have then tried to run the irtrans server in debug mode using the following command but I get an error when I do
htpcuser@HTPC:/usr/local/irtrans$ irserver -loglevel 4 -debug_code dev/ttyusb0
irserver: command not found
I have tried the command in a few different variations and all come up with exactly the same error. I have followed everything in the PDF manual to the letter without success. No matter what I do I cannot get irserver running.
I have run dmesg and checked the output and ttyusb0 is what the irtrans has been assigned.
Can anybody please provide any help as this is driving me nuts.