I'm currently use 2 (old) IrTrans LAN devices :
IRTrans LAN : IR VER: E5.08.19 ETH VER: L1.06.17 SN: 28911
MAC:00-50-c2-52-78-e4 IP Addr:
IRTrans LAN : IR VER: E5.09.01 ETH VER: L1.06.20 SN: 29810
MAC:00-50-c2-52-78-f7 IP Addr:
with the Windows irtranstray.exe program. Everything works fine.
Now, I want to use both lan devices with the LINUX irserver (V6.10.23)
using only one IP address in the command line works fine but I'm unable to use the right command line to pass the 2 IP addresses. Could you provide an example ?
Then how to set one different zone on each device ?
Another question : if I replace the ip address with "lan", it returns the following message :
IRServer Version 6.10.23
Init Events done
Init communication ...
Init communication ...
Init communication ...
No IRTrans Devices found.
Aborting ...
Same result with command line : irserver -deviceinfo
Thank you in advance for your support.