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LanControllerXL LED selection using HTTP

PostPosted: Tue 12. May 2009, 02:06
by dcturbo
Hi Marcus.
we've managed to get the http commands working using the following syntax, for example: ... ction&back

However, trying to send the command to a specific led appears to have no affect. For example: ... back&led=1 (using external LED plugged to socket 1 didn't work)
another exmaple: ... back&led=0 - was sending the command for all sockets and worked for LED 1

Can you please advise how we can send the command to a specific LED in order to control identical AV devices separately? In addition, why the second example above doesn't work as expected?

Please find below our version and revision number for the XL controller.
IRServer Version 6.02.07
[ 0]: IRTrans LAN: IR VER: E6.02.07 ETH VER: L1.07.01 SN: 39039
MAC:00-22-3e-04-00-17 IP Addr:

Most appreciated,

Re: LanControllerXL LED selection using HTTP

PostPosted: Tue 12. May 2009, 06:53
by dcturbo

Problem appears to have ben at our end. The test LED emitter was some distance from the AV device. When "all" LEDS were selected it had enough power to successfully control the device. However, when only a specific LED was selected it was not working because it appears not to have sufficient power. I attached the LED to the actual AV device and found that I was immediately able to control the device through the selected LED in teh command as documented.
Problem appears to be solved.

Re: LanControllerXL LED selection using HTTP

PostPosted: Tue 12. May 2009, 10:30
by IRTrans
The external LEDs need to be sticked onto the devices. They are only low power to make sure that they will only control one device.
