Can IRTrans reproduce 'unknown' commands?

Software related support

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Can IRTrans reproduce 'unknown' commands?

Postby MindBender » Tue 6. Jul 2010, 13:37

I have bought my IRTrans PoE some time ago, to reproduce single-occurrence IR commands. Since the commands occur only once, and I do not have any influence when they occur, I cannot 'learn' IRTrans these commands.

So basically my request boils down to these questions:
1. What does IRTrans output (on what port) if it has seen a command that's not in it's database? I suppose it's not easy to fine a notation format that can hold any IR protocol used on the market...
2. How can this output be used to make IRTrans reproduce this signal?

And for extra points: Would it be possible to determine the make/type of the TV, or the IR protocol from this output? I suppose RC5/6 is recognised, but that's only one protocol of many.
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Re: Can IRTrans reproduce 'unknown' commands?

Postby IRTrans » Tue 6. Jul 2010, 13:49

in general the IRTrans Ethernet devices broadcast a binary package on port 21000/UDP. This package describes the IR signal.

If you capture those packages and send them again via the network you can reproduce that signals.

However, please note that not all IR signals can be recorded that way. Signals with very short pulses or unusual carrier frequencies can only be learned.

It is impossible to know what make and model the TV is.

The IRTrans can recognize RC5, RC6 and RCMM codes, however that is somewhere inside the binary package.
All the other protocols are just recorded - in general the IRTrans is able to learn and send IR codes. To do that you do not need which protocol it is.

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