Asndhex code not working

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Asndhex code not working

Postby musca » Fri 30. May 2014, 14:33

I am trying to write a plugin for Vera3 to control my IRtrans Lan I/O.
I managed to make it work with the following command :

tcp:send("Asnd daikin,off,l2");

but it is NOT working with :

tcp:send("Asndhex BE01000000009226000030009B00D90C65110D000000000000003D003F01B4003E003E0000000000000001008000301200100000011110111

To Hex code I am using is the same (daikin remote, off button). To get it I used the GET IR Hexcode option from the Irtrans software, selected the daikin remote and the off command and then I hit the GET HEXCODE button.

Thanks in advance for the help,
Posts: 14
Joined: Fri 18. Feb 2011, 23:39

Re: Asndhex code not working

Postby eric » Sat 31. May 2014, 08:25

the command looks ok - maybe there is something wrong with the command data.
Could you please learn the code with the Alearn command and compare the HEX data? Are there any differences?
Posts: 157
Joined: Mon 22. Oct 2012, 10:05

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