When Configure IRTrans is started a dialog box opens with the statement: "Failed to load FTD2XX.DLL. Are the FTDI drivers installed?" The box only has a "OK" button on it. When I click "OK" another box opens that states "No IRTrans Devices found". When I click "ok" in that box, the Configure IRTrans USB Device box opens with nothing in the device type/usb semo list box. Additionally the configure button doesn't do anything.
How do I get the configure utility to work?
Setup information
Device: IRTrans LAN Controller XL
Window Version: Windows 7 x64)
Software Version: Date: 06.07.11
irserver Version: 6.08.14
GUI Client Version: 7.1.8
USB Driver Version: 2.06.00
VFD Driver Version: 2.6.0
IRTrans Server Diagonostics:
IRServer64 Version 6.08.14
[ 0]: IRTrans LAN : IR VER: E6.04.51 ETH VER: L1.07.56 SN: 44773
MAC:00-22-3e-04-00-6d IP Addr: