Configure IRTrans Error

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Configure IRTrans Error

Postby kesterf » Wed 6. Jul 2011, 03:33

When Configure IRTrans is started a dialog box opens with the statement: "Failed to load FTD2XX.DLL. Are the FTDI drivers installed?" The box only has a "OK" button on it. When I click "OK" another box opens that states "No IRTrans Devices found". When I click "ok" in that box, the Configure IRTrans USB Device box opens with nothing in the device type/usb semo list box. Additionally the configure button doesn't do anything.

How do I get the configure utility to work?

Setup information

Device: IRTrans LAN Controller XL
Window Version: Windows 7 x64)
Software Version: Date: 06.07.11
irserver Version: 6.08.14
GUI Client Version: 7.1.8
USB Driver Version: 2.06.00
VFD Driver Version: 2.6.0
IRTrans Server Diagonostics:
IRServer64 Version 6.08.14
[ 0]: IRTrans LAN : IR VER: E6.04.51 ETH VER: L1.07.56 SN: 44773
MAC:00-22-3e-04-00-6d IP Addr:
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Joined: Wed 6. Jul 2011, 02:57

Re: Configure IRTrans Error

Postby IRTrans » Wed 6. Jul 2011, 11:30

Well, you have an IRTrans LAN Controller XL. That is an Ethernet device.

Therefore it does not make sense to start a programm which is used to configure USB devices - it has got a list: "Configure IRTrans USB Device".

All configuration for the LAN Devices (and also for USB devices) can be done using the GUI Client together with the irserver.

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Re: Configure IRTrans Error

Postby kesterf » Wed 6. Jul 2011, 16:41

IRTrans Support,

Thank you. Your setup.exe adds the usb configure utility to the start menu as just "irconfig" I didn't notice that the title of the dialog box when it finally opens is titled "configure irtrans USB Device". Suggest consistent naming conventions be used in the future.

As as the IRTrans GUI client...I would have never guessed the that "Device Status" mode is actually the Device Configure Mode. Again, perhaps the menu selection can be renamed in the next build of the software.

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Joined: Wed 6. Jul 2011, 02:57

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